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Pilot Project for Short Term Parking

Pilot Project for Short Term Parking

Written by:
Published on:
June 4, 2019
Created at:
City of Mercer Island, WA

PayByPhone saved Mercer Island hundreds of hours

Table of contents

A pilot project to introduce short term paid parking

Background: A technology solution (PaybyPhone) was introduced to city council for a pilot project to start charging for parking in the downtown business core. Ultimately, the city council decided against implementing paid parking in downtown, but did go forward with using PayByPhone for boat launch parking, for both daily and annual passes which in turn saved many hours of manual labor (physical passes given out at the community center) which was previous practice.

Go deeper: The presentation gave a high level analysis and multiple options to city council if they wanted to pursue paid parking. It outlines the background, purpose, potential locations, and technology application.

Population size: 25,000


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